Solving the Conundrum: Running Multiple Instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 without Hiccups
Image by Madalynn -

Solving the Conundrum: Running Multiple Instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 without Hiccups

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of running multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0, only to encounter issues when publishing schemas? Well, fear not, dear reader! This article aims to demystify the process, providing you with clear and concise instructions to overcome this hurdle. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of Confluent Schema Registry!

What is Confluent Schema Registry?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a brief moment to understand what Confluent Schema Registry is. Confluent Schema Registry is a centralized repository that manages and stores schemas for Kafka topics. It enables you to define, manage, and evolve your schemas in a scalable, secure, and compatible manner. Schema Registry provides a simple, REST-based API for registering and retrieving schemas, making it easy to integrate with your Kafka-based applications.

The Issue: Running Multiple Instances while Publishing Schemas

Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter. When running multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0, you may encounter issues when publishing schemas. These issues can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Schemas not being registered correctly
  • Conflicting schema versions
  • Schema lookup failures
  • Kafka topic creation errors

These issues can be attributed to the way Confluent Schema Registry handles schema registration and versioning. By default, Schema Registry uses a leader-followers architecture, where one instance acts as the leader and the others as followers. When publishing schemas, the leader instance is responsible for registering and versioning the schema. However, when running multiple instances, this can lead to conflicts and inconsistencies.

Resolving the Issue: Configuration and Deployment Strategies

Fear not, dear reader! There are several strategies you can employ to overcome the issues associated with running multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 while publishing schemas.

Strategy 1: Configure Multiple Instances as Independent Clusters

One approach is to configure each instance as an independent cluster. This involves setting up separate Schema Registry instances, each with its own configuration and storage. This strategy ensures that each instance operates independently, eliminating the possibility of conflicts and inconsistencies.

// Example configuration for instance 1

// Example configuration for instance 2

In this scenario, you would need to configure each instance separately, ensuring that they do not overlap or conflict with each other.

Strategy 2: Use a Load Balancer and Sticky Sessions

Another approach is to use a load balancer to distribute incoming requests across multiple instances. By employing sticky sessions, you can ensure that requests from a particular client are routed to the same instance, reducing the likelihood of conflicts and inconsistencies.

Load Balancer Configuration Sticky Session Configuration
loadbalancer.url=http://localhost:8080 loadbalancer.sticky.session.enabled=true

In this scenario, the load balancer distributes incoming requests across multiple instances, and sticky sessions ensure that requests from a particular client are routed to the same instance.

Strategy 3: Implement a Distributed Locking Mechanism

A third approach is to implement a distributed locking mechanism, ensuring that only one instance can register and version a schema at a time. This can be achieved using a distributed locking library, such as ZooKeeper or Apache Curator.

// Example configuration for distributed locking

In this scenario, instances would compete for a lock before registering and versioning a schema. Once an instance acquires the lock, it can proceed with the registration and versioning process, ensuring that only one instance can perform this operation at a time.


In conclusion, running multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 while publishing schemas can be a complex and challenging task. However, by employing one of the strategies outlined in this article, you can overcome the associated issues and ensure seamless schema registration and versioning.

Remember, each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the chosen approach depends on your specific use case and requirements. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Confluent Schema Registry instances operate in harmony, providing a scalable, secure, and compatible schema management solution for your Kafka-based applications.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with running multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 while publishing schemas. By applying the strategies outlined in this article, you can ensure that your schema management solution is scalable, secure, and compatible with your Kafka-based applications.

Stay tuned for more articles and tutorials on Confluent Schema Registry and Kafka-based applications. Happy coding, and remember to keep your schemas in check!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 issues with running multiple instances while publishing schemas.

Can I run multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 simultaneously for high availability?

Yes, you can run multiple instances of Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 for high availability. However, you need to ensure that each instance is configured to use a different ZooKeeper ensemble or Kafka cluster to avoid conflicts.

Why do I get a “schema already exists” error when publishing a schema to multiple Confluent Schema Registry instances?

This error occurs because the schema is being registered simultaneously on multiple instances, causing a conflict. To avoid this, use a load balancer or a single point of entry for schema registrations, or implement a custom conflict resolution strategy.

How do I ensure consistency across multiple Confluent Schema Registry instances when publishing schemas?

To ensure consistency, configure each instance to use the same Kafka topic for schema storage, and enable Kafka’s `` feature to guarantee atomicity. Additionally, implement a versioning strategy to track changes and resolve conflicts.

What happens if one Confluent Schema Registry instance goes down while publishing schemas to multiple instances?

If an instance goes down, the schema registration will fail on that instance, but the other instances will continue to operate. When the failed instance recovers, it will reconcile with the other instances and catch up on any missed schema registrations.

Can I use Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 with a distributed architecture, such as Kubernetes, to run multiple instances?

Yes, Confluent Schema Registry 7.6.0 is compatible with distributed architectures like Kubernetes. In fact, it’s a great way to scale and manage multiple instances, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.